
Event ratings info

100% real attendee experiences

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  better organisation at the workshops, people don't know how to build a line  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  Very good workshops by the invited instructors. Venue way too small for the workshops and the parties, not enough places for things, way too few bathrooms (lady’s queues were up to 30 people). Friday’s show MC was too focused at himself and not at the performers or the crowd. Social dancing parties resembled rock concert moshing where people push and slam against each other. Lots of drunk people that would randomly start screaming. Quite a few people seemed high. Overall very bad atmosphere  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  The ambiance was great, the line-up was very good. I greatly enjoyed the Battle and watched the Jack and Jill, so those were nice additions to add some variation. Points of improvement: somewhat more variety in the workshops. Most of them had the same theme, so it was basically choosing between two bachata fusion/sensual workshops. Some workshops focusing on f.e. specific techniques, musicality, fun on the dancefloor or etiquette or something a bit different is always nice to add. The venue  



  El servicio de restauración dejó mucho que desear, poca variedad, nada para alergias e intolerancias, por ejemplo a la lactosa. Me encantaría volver el próximo año pero las comidas las haría fuera  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  For me personally I think there were to many people for the size of the venue. The DJs in the big room didn't really have a build up of their songs, so for me the structure of the sets were a bit weird and for me it was really hard to get into the festival vibe. I see this year its getting worse with artists dancing with festival visitors. People bring in multiple lights and cameras and it really takes the joy away from the whole social dancing setting. It gets a little competitive. On sensual  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  I love how the organisers were not overselling their passes and considered the dancers in proportion to the venue. This is the second event I've been to where there are space to dance. The only downside is when the artist convenes in the same place which is the same every events. They stay in the same place and everyone lines up to dance with them and it becomes a waste of space with people just standing there waiting to dance with the artist. I'm sure it is amazing but if this will keep going o  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  The festival could have been really great considering all the instructors and djs, however there was WAY too many people for the classes and the parties. That also influenced the difficulties with organization (like keeping schedule for example).  

Adam Bachata Festival 2022


Adam Bachata Festival 2022


  Too crowded at the workshops ( room 1). And it was terrible watching shows for 1,5 hours before the party started. A few shows of good artists would be okay, not 20 shows of students/ladystyling groups.... I came for dancing not for watching shows.